Anyway, I ran into some long time friends who were running the 5K. They said I should come with them. No, No I say. I'm not in shape at all. It'll be fun they reply. We are mostly going to walk anyway. Well, Ok I say. Truth is I just wanted to walk and chat with my friends.
The starting gun goes off and so do my friends. I hung with them about 30 seconds and I was done. The next half hour was brutal. Finally I see a table ahead and people cheering. Thank the good Lord... This was over! Then I see it.... the sign that says Mile One!
It took every ounce of self respect I had to not flag down a car and have them take me back. I began to realize that there were only three of us left at the back of the race. Me and 2 old ladies walking and talking. I fought the tears as I tried to take a short cut and the race people (who were supposed "friends") made me stay on course. Than as the finish line came into view one of the old ladies passed me. That move stole from me the last ounce of self respect I had left and I slinked across the finish line 2nd to last. I did not stop walking until I reached my car. I came home, took a shower and have rarely spoken of this until now.
Now...I have redeemed myself!
Saturday I ran a 5K. And I did in fact run it! Most of it anyway. My wonderful friend Jill and my equally wonderful husband ran by my side the whole time. Both of them could have run it so much faster and better but they hung with me and at mile 2 when I thought I was going to die Jill held out her arm for me to hang onto. I am blessed.
When we turned toward the finish line I realized I was about 30 seconds from my goal of 36 minutes. That clock holds some kind of magic power because something took hold of me and I took off. Actually it may have been Jill that took hold of me. Whatever it was I ran faster than I ever have. As we neared the finish line I hear my compassionate and encouraging friend say: "No way you're beating me!" and she surged ahead. I finished in 36:01. I missed it by one second, but I was really pleased! I couldn't figure out why I had struggled so much. We had run 3 miles many times. The I discovered we had run at an 11:36 pace. That was a full minute faster per mile pace than our fastest training run. Holy Cow!
I'm so glad Jill had me do a race because I had no idea we were running that fast (it's relative..I know it's not that fast). It was not a big race at all, but when everyone took off so did I and I'm not sure I could have slowed down. It was really good practice and I hope to do a few more races between now and The Big One!
The race itself was a little disappointing. There was no T-shirt and no race number. So nothing much to mark my first real 5K race. But what I will always remember is my friend and my husband standing by me. I am truly blessed! Here we are before the race:

I would show you a picture of me afterwards, but it involves dry heaves and a very red face. Not pretty. I did buy myself a new running shirt in honor of the race but its mostly hidden by my jacket. It was pretty though.
We have big week this week. The intensity is picking up. I'm excited though. For the first time I think I might actually do this and do it reasonably well.
I did draw the line in the sand at 21 degrees. No early run tomorrow. I will wait for afternoon thank you very much! Actually Jill gave me a choice. Early morning treadmill or afternoon on the road. I wish she had given me a choice about how many miles!
It was a great weekend and as bad as I felt immediately following the race by the time we had gotten home Jill had talked me into a 10K called Chill in the Hills. Let me repeat that CHILL in the HILLS.
I think she slipped me some koolaid!
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