I have very slowly been working my way through Beth Moore's Bible study on Esther. It has been such a good Bible study for this time in my life. Today I came across this quote from Beth..
"How blessed we are to be women. By nature we like to do things together. Work and play. Laugh and grieve. Eat and pray. Live and die. A large measure of enjoying womanhood is enjoying a heart connection with other women."I couldn't believe what a perfect explantion this was of what we had all just experienced. The whole expierence of training, planning, healing, and running has bonded us together.
The race is over and life has returned to normal. Normal except for the fact that I am still a little obnoxious. Yesterday I discovered that there is video of each runner at key points in the race. I have now watched myself run through Cinderella's castle about 100 times. I've made my family watch it 75 of those times. They may be slightly weary of this princess!
It's time to wrap up this little blog of mine and I'm really kind of sad. It has been so much fun to write and planning what to say has gotten me through more than a few miles! I can't thank you enough for taking time to read it. Your encouragement to me through this blog was an unexpected benefit and I am grateful for each of you! You have to come with me next time! I am going to wrap it up with a few thoughts and observations of the whole expierance. Here's one last list:
First..a shout out to my husband, Shane. I came home to a perfectly clean house! How awesome is that. Not a dish in the sink. I love that man!
Never Say Never! I realize this is the name of Justin Beiber's movie. I'm sorry. It is also my knew favorite saying. When my children say "I'll never get this math problem!" I say "I just ran a 1/2 marathon. Never Say Never!" Cue the eye rolling!
It's possible I wore my medal while I was home alone today. It's possible I'm wearing it now.
We had a waiter at the Coral Reef who was unnaturally obssessed with the chocolate mousse dessert. He practically harrassed me when I ordered the Creme Brule. If you go to the Coral Reef in Epcot and have a waiter named Tony save yourself the trouble and order the mousse. He might even feed you a bite. Just ask Chyna.
The good thing about good friends is they love you even if you're freaking out at 3:30 in the morning because the first set of buses just left and now they are gonna start without you! Never mind the 5,000 people in line behind you. They just smile and keep being your friend and even sit with you when the next bus comes.
I just accomplished something I never in a million years thought I could do, yet I still have a fear of calling people I don't know on the phone. Maybe that should be my next blog!
I put this on my car today:

I went for a walk today and I kept thinking that I wish my legs felt good enough run. I'm ready to run again. This still surprises me and again marks a shift in my life that I want to continue, so instead of goodbye I will say to be continued, but I do hope you ....
live happily ever after!
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